if can't start discussion: say so before making the whole post

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've experienced this with the guest account. It isn't allowed to post. But that only becomes visible when you went through the whole process of posting (eg filling in a topic, writing your message). Maybe it would be better if people who can't post didn't have the "start a new discussion" button or something similar to prevent them from an annoying experience.


  • edited November 2005
    I didnt even know it was there on a guest account. This is definately a bug. Care to fill in a bug report?
  • I'm not sure it is a bug as after the trying-to-post-proces there is a notice that you can't post. So it seems like the way it is is intended.
  • Yeah but realistically the button shouldnt be there atall and i dont think it's any extra effort to remove it. Unless it's just a tease.
  • NickENickE New
    edited November 2005
    I think more importantly than the 'Start Discussion' button there should just be something in the form controls which throw an error if the user dosn't have posting privileges. Otherwise the forms are still present whether or not there's a link to it.
  • Maybe it's not that difficult to make it so that a registered user with no posting access sees the same as an unregistered user (no buttons and post form) in posting matters. Hope this won't make another bad dream. ;)
  • Might be a good place for the "welcome guest" section to be included?
  • what would be the point in a registered user with no posting access?
  • You mean like the current guest account? :) -such a user can see things behind the registering scenes and see if registering is worth it -banned users or users that are just temporary banned can keep bookmarking discussions, adjusting styles, etc
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