Paid request: Homepage and JQuery subcategorie sliding animation.

NimaveliNimaveli New
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hey guys,
I want to implement a couple features for my forum and if anyone could give me a step-by-step instruction on how to do it I might be able to do it myself but I'm also willing to pay someone to do these requests. So if anyone is up for it send me a PM and we'll discuss payment.

What I would like is that to have several categories. For example these;
''Mainstream HipHop''

And when you click on any of these subcategories will slide down out of them. For example you click on ''Tupac'' and this comes up;
- Pac's life
- Makaveli's friends and foes
-Makaveli downloads

I heard that this can be done with Jquery and seeing as alot of the people on this forum are really talented I figured I could ask this here :)

Thanks in advance,


  • Anyone? :)
  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    @Nimaveli, we are looking into adding more functionality to categories so that forums with a lot of categories will be more intuitive to browse. With regards to the gallery, have you considered using a flickr stream? I think they have some HTML you can put right into your forum.
  • NimaveliNimaveli New
    edited August 2010
    Thanks for the response, I already have the gallery software which is and putting the gallery in an empty page wouldn't be hard but making the homepage itself is :D All I need is someone who is willing to help me out with the JQuery categories and making the HTML homepage :)
  • The homepage is figured out already :) All I need now is the jQuery categories. Anyone up for it?
  • Noone? D:
  • NimaveliNimaveli New
    edited August 2010
    Well, nearly a month further I asked many more people to do this. I found a couple people who were willing to do it but they don't have the time for atleast another 2-3 months. And since I'm leaving in about a week. I really need help with this so I can finish my site before that.

    Please, if anyone can hear this. Help me out...

    (Read the above in the voice of a worn down man, crying and freezing to death. Lmao)
  • @Nimaveli i might be ale to help you out there, though it may not be until this weekend... I have liitle free time during the week.
  • @zodiacdm
    I'd really appreciate that my friend, hit me up via personal messages when you got the time. Thanks! :D
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