Ignore a tag

edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I've been away for a while and it seems while I was gone that categories got replaced by tags. I like the idea but it would be nice to be able to hide or ignore a tag so posts that are tagged a certain way won't show up in the "All Questions" tab.

In Vanilla 1 it was possible to hide categories in this way. It would be fantastic if tags followed a similar design.

UPDATE: Case in point. I would like to ignore posts that contain the "test" tag as it is mostly users who are testing the system and haven't begun to contribute to the conversations yet.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Tagging isn't part of the core - it's a plugin :)

    Categories are still part of the core, and we're planning on improving them immensely over the coming months.

    As for allowing blocking of tags, I wrote the tagging plugin, and I don't want to overcomplicate it at all. However, it is open-source, so you're welcome to either write a companion plugin or branch the existing one.
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