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Quote-Plugin: text doesn't get copied

edited 2010 23 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I installed and enabled the quote-plugin.
but when i click the "quote"-link in a discussion, the button doesn't behave as i suppose it should:
the browserwindow slides down to the textbox (good!), but no text appears in it (like xxxyx xxzzz).
Am I missing something?


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @TiGR ^ That was a low blow. Minor douchbaggery detected.

    @basb Are you using V2 official? What browser? Have you done a hard refresh of the page (force reload all js+css files) since installing the plugin?

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • @Tim, excuse me, I just tried to be helpful :D

    P.S: BTW, I've uploaded minor update with few small fixes, and "Approved" badge has gone. Could you, please, put it back? ;) Thanks.
  • @Tim I'm using the official V2, yes.
    How do I make the hard refresh?
    @TiGR Quote Selection (old version) didn't help me either. When I highlighted text, nothing happened.
  • @basb, try using new version. If it still does not work, let me know what browser it is.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @basb This sounds like you're having some kind of Javascript issue. What browser are you using? Hard refresh shortcut depends on your browser, but you can generally away with just clearing your cache manually.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • @Tim I'm using Safari 5.0
    I cleared the cache several times of course.
  • Both Plugins work now - don't know what changed...
  • For me are not working, I have the same problem, when I click, slides down to the textbox but no text appear.

    I tried in windows with different browsers (chrome, firefox, ie...), clearing the cache. Any idea?
  • Any other plugins installed?
  • edited 2010 30
    Gravatar, HtmLawed, Signatures, Tagging, VanillaInThisDiscussion and WhosOnline.
  • Same problem here. Newest version installed (0.2.2) and using both Firefox and Internet Explorer the plugin doesn't work. Windows slides down, but no text is in the textarea.
  • bobthemanbobtheman
    edited 2010 01
    i concur, plugin doesn't work for me either, click quote takes me to the bottom of the page as if its going to copy the text, but nothing is copied.

    Ubuntu 10.04, firefox 3.6.8

    enabled: gravatar, htmlawed, tagging, in this discussion,
  • Same problem here. completely cleared cache and tried it on 3 PC's 2 windows and one linux, all using firefox but none of them worked.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    I'll take a look today and figure out what's happening. Thanks for the reports guys

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • It doesn't work for me either
  • edited 2010 10
    Running v. 0.2.2 of this plugin on Vanilla 2.0.1, the "Quote" does an ajax post to the backend, but the back end responds with an entire html page. Not sure what was supposed to happen, just letting you know.

    Modify line 65 of /plugins/Quotes/js/quotes.js

    Before: var QuotebackURL = gdn.definition('WebRoot')+'plugin/quotes/getquote/'+QuotedElement;

    After: var QuotebackURL = 'index.php/?p=/plugin/quotes/getquote/'+QuotedElement;
  • Works for me - nice :-)
  • @Tim

    Is getquote.php supposed to be empty? Because it is in the zipfile on the addons site, and that feels like it could be the source of all these problems! :P
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