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[User List Addon] No users show up*

edited February 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
When I enable the plugin "user list", the following text but no users appears in the box in the sidepanel:
"No users to display. Try changing your settings."

This text is visible to ALL users, they even get to the dashboard by clicking the link!
If I uncheck "randomize" in the plugin's settings, I get a "bonk".
Furthermore, the plugin show's version 0.1 instead of 0.4


  • It bonk'd for me.
  • I will look into this ASAP. Thanks for telling me.

    Are you both using at least RC3 of Vanilla 2?
  • Yep, RC3
  • 2.0 final
  • Okay, thanks for your input.
  • any progress yet?
  • Hopefully I'll be able to get this update up soon, I've been immensely busy lately. Sorry everyone.
  • I've uploaded 0.5. It should address the bugs listed here. Please let me know if it still doesn't work.
  • Just installed and it says "No users to display." I fiddled with the settings but no luck.
  • edited August 2010
    @Desmanthus Which settings did you choose? If none of your users have photos, you must check "Show users that don't have a photo" in order to have users show up.
  • I tried with and without photos, randomize, all different combos. All options show "No users to display." When I turn on show number it says (0). I just imported my forum from vanilla 1 to try out vanilla 2. Does this count those imported users?
  • @Desmanthus - The import process might put the users from Vanilla 1 in a separate table. I'm going to begin testing that.
  • I'm also still having the same issue
  • @basb - Do you know how to turn on dev error? If you do, please do so and tell me exactly what the error is that you're getting, because I'm unable to recreate it.
  • Just installed the update. No change in my issue, "No users to display."
  • @desmanthus - I haven't made the fix for imported users from Vanilla 1 yet.
  • Confirmed, I was able to get this working but only on a clean install with users setup in the clean install.
  • tmilovantmilovan New
    edited August 2010
    Reason for this problem is simple. There is hardcoded default usergroup id (RoleID) in this addon source and that works fine for Vanilla imports, but if you are importing from any other forum engine, chances are your default usergroup id is not 7, but lower.

    So, author needs to find the way to read default usergroup real value, and use that in addon source. Meanwhile I guess we can just manually put this value in lines 18 and 43 of class.userlistmodule.php.
  • tmilovantmilovan New
    edited August 2010
    Also limit does not work, but if you add:
    at line 37, it should be fine.
  • And, in order for Order to work:)) you need to add:
    ... after above mentioned line.

    I guess, with this three changes everything should work fine for 2.0.3. installations with ported forums.
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