Issues regarding consistency

edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Here are a few issues concerning the integration of user profiles:

- Users should not be able to change their password from vanilla's dashboard as it has no effect on the login. Wouldn't it be better to redirect users to WP's profile page instead? I noticed users can change their password in wordpress without breaking the single-sign-on functionality.
- The same applies to the ability to change the email-address: changes performed from vanilla's dashboard seem to have no effect on sso-functionality whereas it becomes problematic if the user makes a change on WP's profile page.

Regarding consistency and ease of use, it would be nice if any changes would be reflected in both WP and vanilla profiles.


  • Good point. Along the same lines, the registration settings in the admin could be disabled as well since any changes there won't have an effect neither, right?
  • You're right, @Geert, on the other hand I don't see how registration settings can interfere with ProxyConnect. Only Admins can access registration settings anyway.
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