problem with search feature on this site and on mine

edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

When trying to search on this forum I can see a list of results that I think might be helpful but when I click on one I'm prompted to answer the topics question. What I really want to see is that thread.

The search tool on my vanilla-2 installation does not work at all. I'll submit a search and the upon reloading of the page nothing visibly changes. There are no return results from the query.

Thanks for your help


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    1. There is a bug with permalinks on this site because of the voting plugin. Stay tuned for the fix.
    2. If your site has urls of the form index.php?p=/discussions then there is a bug with the search submission. This has been fixed and will be released with 2.0.1
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