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Where to put Google Analytics code in Vanilla 2

RaizeRaize ✭✭
edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Anyone know a good place to put my analytics code?

P.S. The search function on this forum really needs some work, it would help avoid a lot of dupe questions


  • Hi Raize,

    I put the GA-code in the head of the file:

    If you look there, you won't find the file, so first you have to copy it from here:

    Hope this helps you and others.

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  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    That was actually very helpful...thanks
  • Yep, same here, too bad I was too late to answer. ^^
  • bump for anyone who has recently installed V2... google analytics is a must!
  • edited September 2010
    For those who want a simpler way to accomplish the same thing, I've released an add-on that only requires that you put your tracking id in default.php:

    Hope it helps!
  • @Lykaon said:
    For those who want a simpler way to accomplish the same thing, I've released an add-on that only requires that you put your tracking id in default.php:

    Hope it helps!

    It helped and solved my problem. I'm using it at and works like a charm!!

    I know this is a dumb remark but I'm a newbie to VanillaForums and I took a few minutes to understand what you said... "you put your tracking id in default.php"....

    It's on /plugins/analytics/default.php ... Hope it help someone... Also had to clean /cache some files to start working...

    Thanks Lykaon!!

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