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jQuery WYSIWYG: Incompatabilites
Great Idea for a plugin, however, the form that apparently replaces the original comment form is not compatible with either of the 2 different quote plugins.
The Quotes plugin appears to redirect to the top of the page, instead of the bottom, with the quote not appearing, and the Quote Selection plugin redirects to the form, however the quote still does not appear.
Any chance on seeing a compatible version in the future?
The Quotes plugin appears to redirect to the top of the page, instead of the bottom, with the quote not appearing, and the Quote Selection plugin redirects to the form, however the quote still does not appear.
Any chance on seeing a compatible version in the future?
And possibly even more:
The plugin only lives here under Addons, I haven't looked at putting it on Github. As the Addon is just a simple tweak/extension of I'm not sure what the practical/legal/tech requirements are of putting a plugin based on another script are. Is it called a 'fork'? or a separate project?
If you want to see if you can come up with a fix for your issues using Quote/Selection plugins, I'm happy to roll them into the release version.
@TiGR: did the jquery fixes you posted above work?
There are other issues people are seeing too:
That being said, if you do find a bug in it you should try and contact the authors with the fix as I'm sure you would anyway.
I think your plugin isn't exactly a fork of jwysiwg since you are probably leaving their library intact and just writing an adapter for it to plug in to Vanilla 2. Forking usually refers to you changing their source code. If you were to fork using github you would end up adding stuff the authors probably don't want.
If you want to include jwysiwg from github directly into your project you could embed it with an external repository. I would try just copying their code first, like you've done now.
No problem if you haven't used git before and don't want to tackle the learning curve. I'm just so in love with git that I want everyone to use it. It is the best source control system there is and is built exactly for the type of development we all do.
It's a little difficult to get running on Windows and has a few different paradigms from other source control systems, but once you get up to speed it's just so good for managing projects being worked on by different people all over the Internet.
At the moment, the Vanilla Addon doesn't work with the latest jwysiwyg on github (v0.92) - only with the older v0.8.
Does anyone know if the Vanilla team is working on their own wysiwyg solution? I'd imagine it's quite a common request.
I picked the jwysiwyg as it was the simplest looking from this list, -- Maybe one the others would work better?
@rak great work on the plugin.
$("#Form_Body").val(body + quoteSelection.getQuoteText()).focus(); $("#quoteButton").hide();
and change them to
$("#Form_Body").val(body + quoteSelection.getQuoteText()).focus(); $('#Form_Body').wysiwyg('insertHtml', quoteSelection.getQuoteText() + '<br />'); $("#quoteButton").hide();
jQuery WYSIWYG works fine but it fails only in Conversations, where HTML code is displayed sometimes.
In discussions its working fine, but in Conversations replies sometimes HTML code appears without sense (some DIVs, some BR...).
I mean disable it only for Conversations.