User can select multiple themes

edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is/was there a plugin/addon that made it possible for every user to select their own favourite theme? Not that they can install a theme on their own, but that they can select from the themes I have installed. On many forums, I find that some people find one theme to light, and the other user finds a theme to dark. The perfect sollution offcourse, is that they can choose between a light and dark theme.

I have searched the addons, but couldn't fine any. Yet I have read a topic in the past that discussed this topic (but possibly it was old). If such an addon does not exist I want to try to make one myself, but there is no sence in discovering the wheel twice.


  • There used to be an awesome one for vanilla 1 but as of yet there isnt anything similar for vanilla 2. I actually cant even find it anymore in the vanilla 1 plugins list.
  • I expect have this addon

    or may can add Am/Pm auto change themes, function
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