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"Attachments" for Vanilla 2.0 - What's it going to cost?

I need attachments for 2.0... heh... most of us do. Who can do it... and what's your bid? Online or offline offers will be considered.
It would be even cooler if it could handle "link attachments" (read: embeds) as well (raw flickr URLs, youtube and vimeo URLs => embeds, etc)
Somewhere, one of the devs mentioned that most of the necessary code for image attachments is *already written* in the v2.0 avatar handler.
Edited to add: Check out the UploadFile addon by @Tim here:
It would be even cooler if it could handle "link attachments" (read: embeds) as well (raw flickr URLs, youtube and vimeo URLs => embeds, etc)
Somewhere, one of the devs mentioned that most of the necessary code for image attachments is *already written* in the v2.0 avatar handler.
Edited to add: Check out the UploadFile addon by @Tim here:
Just add this to the js/global.js
This thing is gonna add a button next to the Save Draft.
And if the image is too big, i just use this:
This gonna resize the image, and put a Full screen link after the image
But, your js is cool for image embeds... and one could easily add some regexp to strip the actual media from flickr / youtube / vimeo using js like yours as a basis (the "magic" plugin sort of does this for youtube videos). I'll mess with it and see what I can do.
...maybe (does vanilla core include jQuery?) something like the WP YoxView plugin, or the ( jquery ui to give us a nice little "add stuff to this post" widget that can eventually include the attachments plugin.
^^Here is the Code Bounty
it has a nice popup window looking, and it has validation:)
just add this code at the end of the js/global.js file, before the });
I'll owe the devs something as well when the "attachments" code gets done.
btw: is it just me, or do all comment permalinks link somewhere beyond the event horizon? I had to click the above link then google the title to find the thread so I could read the comment. o_0?
1. add this js script to the bottom of the js/global.js, before the });
2. add this js script to the very bottom of the js/global.js:
Its works great with selected text also
To Do:
1) The json call for the flickr image takes a second or two, and there should be a "waiting" image on the dialog box.
2) The error .append also does not work(?!) (really should use the jquery dialog ui .. maybe I'll get around to doing that)
But, all in all, pretty sweet...
@passatgt: thanks for the inspiration. See it in action / test it out.
paste this after the api_key variable:
$(".copy").append('<span class="TinyProgress');
and paste this after the error append:
i dont try it out, but is should work
var commentTabshtml = '<div class="MessageForm" style="border:0px;margin:0px;"><div class="Tabs CommentTabs"><ul></ul></div></div>'; $("form#Form_Discussion .Category").after(commentTabshtml);
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The last piece of my V1->V2 puzzle is getting my V1 attachments images loaded into V2. Help!