Anybody interested in php/ajax chat to integrate with Vanilla 2?

edited July 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Well, I found such thingie which can be integrated with v2 easily: users, including profile details and group permissions. Not free, however. I am not sure if i am allowed to put a public link here, so if you need the URL of this chat drop me a line. This is a screenshot:


  • @agenda
    Well, I'm interested in integrating a shoutbox on my site. Is it possible to integrate the inferno shoutbox with Vanilla? Or any other Vbulletin shoutbox really.
  • passatgtpassatgt New
    edited July 2010
    I just make a little php shoutbox for my site, but i dont know how to access the session for the username, so i just use javascript for that:D
    not very safety, but my site is closed, i just have a couple of hundreds user, so its working:)

  • @Nimaveli

    not sure about inferno, at least I am not the one to do it. I am still testing BlaB chat that is shown in my first post, however, I haven't purchased a copy yet. There is a free version available:
  • @Agenda
    thanks for the reply, Blab looks a little bit to busy for me. I need a shoutbox that only has a bar where you type your shout and a ''shout'' button. Simple yet effective... lol.
  • @passatgt: How do you do that? Very nice!
  • First, i just search google for a very basic shoutbox, and i just modified the design a little bit, and with javascript/jquery, i entered the username to a hidden input from the header():)

    Not so great, but its working at least:D
  • @passatgt
    What's the name of that shoutbox? That's exactly what I'm looking for. It connecting to the database might be a tough one to fix though but perhaps I'll pay someone to do it lol.
  • the first one looks good to me.
  • it will really be great to have a chat plugin for vanilla 2
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