Can you add an item to the forum menu?

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'd like to add a 'back to main' site button to the forum menu - does anyone know how to do this?


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • thanks for the quick response there Mark, i did a few searches but came up empty handed.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    No problem!
  • Instead of checking the url against a set array, it might be more flexible to see if the $Menu variable isn't empty. That way if another file is added which uses the menu control (in the next release or through custimization) it'll still work.
  • edited November 2005
    You can see what i was trying to do here: in order to get the design to work as it should i had to make a few changes to the div structure namly move the MenuForm div outside of the head div in order to get the background image in Head to sit correctly. I tried forcing it using the logo div but as usual IE didn't like it very much. So Common.Controls.php now looks like this: <div class=\"Head\"> <div class=\"Logo\">".agBANNER_TITLE."</div></div> <ul id=\"MenuForum\">"); while (list($Key, $Tab) = each($this->Tabs)) { $this->Context->Writer->Add($this->FormatTab($Tab["Text"], $Tab["Value"], $Tab["Url"], $Tab["CssClass"], $Tab["Attributes"])); } $this->Context->Writer->Add("</ul> <div id=\"title\"> <h1>Welcome to Wimbledon Vollyball Clubhouse</h1> <h2>Welcome to the clubhouse. Enjoy!</h2> </div> <div class=\"Body\">"); $this->Context->Writer->Write(); } } It seems to work just fine thanks to Marks flexible coding! I'm pretty much going to have future proof issues whatever i do so i figured go the whole hog and have the design to match the rest of the site.
  • Is this "fourm' in the url intended?
  • yeah - i just noticed the typo, i've changed it on the site and in the above post. Wow mark it really screws V up if you change the root url of the site.
  • There's a forum root setting
  • it appears there's one under application settings in the forum itself. It writes into appg/settings.php and controls the location of the include files: define("agAPPLICATION_PATH", "/home/jasons/public_html/forum/"); define("sgLIBRARY", agAPPLICATION_PATH."library/"); define("agEXTENSIONS", agAPPLICATION_PATH."extensions/"); define("agLANGUAGES", agAPPLICATION_PATH."languages/"); // Application Settings define("agAPPLICATION_TITLE", "Wimbledon Volleyball Club"); define("agBANNER_TITLE", "<a href=\"/new/\" title=\"Back To Main Site\">Wimbledon Volleyball Club</a>"); define("agDEFAULT_STYLE", "styles/vanilla/"); define("agDOMAIN", ""); If you do what i just did which is make a typo in the root folder name and then try and fix it it blows up the forum (can't find any of the includes), even if you change it in the software and then fix the typo. so you have to correct the hard code lines above upload them and then fix the typo and all is good!
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