What is the priority/estimate of stabilizing the localization?

klipklip New
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hello devs,

I've just installed v2 and I have community of 40-50 people willing to use it, but before I go live I would like to localize it, because some of them can't speak english.

I know it is possible to translate forum now, but I don't like the system it is done at the moment at all. Somewhere you said ( @Tim ) that it is not priority at the moment, and you are going to stabilize the localization in a future.

I just wanted to ask what is your list of priorities? Especially how severe is localization for you, guys?

Should we wait days, weeks, or months? Is there any estimate?

I ask because if it is more than about 2 weeks, I probably go and try to translate the forum with current system. If less then 2 weeks, I would probably wait for new system.


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Can you tell me what changes you specifically want in the localization system?
  • I don't want any special features. I mean I don't want changes.
    I'd love to hear you to say: "Localization system of V2 is finished and stable and if you want to make a translation do it this way."
    You said that it's not finished and it's not a priority at the moment.
    I just don't know what to expect. That's all.
  • Well, I take it as it is going to take more than 2 weeks, so I'll just use what is available now.

    This worked for me pretty well: http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/11357/vanilla-2-how-to-make-translation-work-:-my-solution/

    Note: There are duplicit definitions for different Garden applications, which is kind of bothering. I'm just curious if it is going to be the same way when the localization system is stable.
  • @klip What language you need?, i cant help you if is spanish
  • @Pablin It's czech ;)

    I have translated all I could grab by the Undefined Translation Collector add-on and I'll make a package available when I feel it is ok.

    Also I'm going to translate Vanilla to esperanto someday soon.
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