Featured Posts & Front Page

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I was wondering how difficult it would be to have "featured posts" on the front page. An example are two popular forums like macrumors.com or slickdeals.net. On these sites admins can create posts and select them to be featured on the front page of their site.

How hard would it be to add a plugin to do this?


  • Bump? Any ideas on how difficult this would be to implement?
  • I need this feature as well. Loved having Blogthis on my V1 forum.
  • You can do this with "Announce" set your discussion as an announcement. Go to your install of Vanilla, and open this file.


    add these lines of code

    $Definition['Announce'] = 'Make Sticky'; $Definition['Announcement'] = 'New Post';

    this will keep the discussion on the top of all the others on the front page of your forum while keeping blog lingo, does that help?
  • I will check that, although I am not sure announcements and front page posts are the same thing. Thanks for thinking of this solution. I will report back with what I find.
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