Sure this has been mentioned before

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Probably sure this has been mentioned before but I'll bring it up.

The way things are set now,, default view is discussions. In which you have a list of all recent discussions with markers to tell you that the thread has been updated and you haven't read it.

However on the Category view there are no markers to indicate that a new thread/updated thread is within that category. Will this be available for next rev?


  • I'd also like the possibility to set categories as default (and first) tab. Not all boards can have a display-all-discussions view and need a pre-selection first (by choosing the category).
  • as far as i'm aware, chris, adding that capability would put a significant increase in the time the query takes on the categories page so mark might be avoiding it. I could, however, be completely wrong and he may well have added it or do it now. jazzman - that was discussed within the last couple of days. Capability has been added.
  • A query to tell if there is at least one new item in a category would run pretty quickly in most cases, since if there was the discussion would probably have a recent update timestamp, and Mark has said that column is indexed in 0.9.3.

    On the other hand, the query to tell how many new posts are in each category would have to loop through all the discussions, which could take a while on bigger forums.

    Also, that total would include really old threads that the user just hasn't read, which is pretty useless.
This discussion has been closed.