Fatal Error in Filebrowser

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Well I created a new server (specs below) A couply nights ago on this box. I installed a couple things, messed around. Then I came across Vannilla at Deviously artistic, and decided to check out your site, and found filebrowser which was what I had always wanted to put on one of my sites. But when i installed it and went to the index.php page, it displayed a "Fatal Error". I then tried re-downloading Filebrowser to no avail. Here are my server specs and a link to my filebrowser. Server: Apache2 Apache Tomcat PHP5 JSP MYSQL5 Apps: PHPMyAdmin MYODBC Wordpress Filebrowser(Attempting!) LInk: http://moveawayandshine.dyndns.org/filebrowser/ Link to main site: http://moveawayandshine.dyndns.org/


  • edited December 2005
    Dude you got some really flunked up stuff goin on there. It's almost as though your server doesnt realise it should be executing that php. I'm assuming the other apps work which makes me think it *may* be a php5 issue but it seems unlikely you'd get a result like that. It does strike me, however, that filebrowser is still using <? as opposed to <?php so try opening up the index.php file and changing the first quote as so. I'm not sure if thats just a recommendation or an actual requirement of php5. In any case it's worth changing.
  • Well that seemed to solve all my problems, but now that I use thumbnailer.php it says the following: A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message: Your version of PHP does not appear to have JPEG thumbnailing support. Affected Elements: Thumbnailer.GenerateThumbnail(); For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Software support website at: lussumo.com/support Id like to get that fixed!
  • Hmm. Appears you dont have gdlib compiled into your php install. And i dont think there's an easy way round that. Mail your hosts and ask them to compile it in.
  • I am my own host. How do I compile it in, through windows?
  • I believe it comes with PHP. In your PHP folder there is an "extensions" folder. All your PHP extensions are in there. You should have a php_gd2.dll file in there. Edit your php.ini file, make sure your extensions_dir is pointing to the right folder, and then just uncomment the line ";extension=php_gd2.dll" (around line 569). Restart Apache, and all should be well.
  • thanks man! that fixed it. you guys have great support!
  • No problem, glad I could help.
  • I too have had this fatal error while trying to create thumbs for my files. Each file is roughly 1.3 - 1.5 meg. Here's the error msg again.. A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message: An error occurred while attempting to copy the source image "IMG_5738.JPG". Your version of php (4.4.1) may not have jpeg support. Affected Elements: Thumbnailer.GenerateThumbnail(); Here's the relevant portion of my host's server config.. GD Support enabled GD Version 2.0 or higher FreeType Support enabled FreeType Linkage with freetype GIF Read Support enabled GIF Create Support enabled JPG Support enabled PNG Support enabled WBMP Support enabled I'm stumped. Anyone with an idea here?
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