HTML not working in Conversations

fr1dayfr1day New
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
All that appears when I start or respond to a conversation is lots of '< br >' instead of nice formatting. The emoticons plugin doesn't work in conversations also.

Anyone any idea what's going on with it?


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Can you add a github issue for this?
  • Already have ;)

    just learning the ins and outs of how the site handles things and wasn't sure if here was the place to get support or not. Saw your request to post in github afterwards so posted there as well.
  • Here is what worked for me.

    Go to /applications/conversations/views/messages/messages.php

    Go to line 36 and change "Gdn_Format::To" to "Gdn_Format::Html".

    There may be other places where this change is needed.
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