No search results
Hi, I am getting no search results when I search my site for terms that I know are there. My SQL is not up to figuring this out yet but regardless, the search feature used to work and I can't work out what has changed. The search is generating the following SQL which returns no results:
select *
from (
select match(d.Name, d.Body) against('test') as `Relavence`, d.DiscussionID as `PrimaryID`, d.Name as `Title`, d.Body as `Summary`, concat('/discussion/', d.DiscussionID) as `Url`, d.DateInserted as `DateInserted`, d.InsertUserID as `UserID`, u.Name as `Name`
from GDN_Discussion d
left join GDN_User u on d.InsertUserID = u.UserID
where match(d.Name, d.Body) against ('test')
union all
select match(c.Body) against('test') as `Relavence`, c.CommentID as `PrimaryID`, d.Name as `Title`, c.Body as `Summary`, concat('/discussion/comment/', c.CommentID, '/#Comment_', c.CommentID) as `Url`, c.DateInserted as `DateInserted`, c.InsertUserID as `InsertUserID`, u.Name as `Name`
from GDN_Comment c
join GDN_Discussion d on d.DiscussionID = c.DiscussionID
left join GDN_User u on u.UserID = d.InsertUserID
where match(c.Body) against ('test')
) s
order by s.Relavence desc
limit 20;