Vanilla Cookie trouble

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Although I don't know if Mark changed this in the new vanilla framework, I've noticed you can only be logged in to Vanilla on one computer. I use my PC at home, but I also check Vanilla at work. Everytime I switch computers, I have to login again. Is this a security feature? Is there a workaround? (Yeah, I know I'm lazy... I could just re-loggin everytime :P)


  • Supposedly it is a security feature.. but I do hope it is fixed for 0.9.3.. at least give us the option to choose whether to have it on or not.
  • Yup. Every day - log in at home - log in at work - log in at home - boring!
  • it's not that much effort since any browser under the sun will save your details so you just click 'remember me' and then 'login', but yes, i would like the option.
  • If you are looking at a post when not logged in, and then log in, you are taken back to the discussions overview, not the post you were looking at. I find this pretty annoying, at least on a daily basis!
  • edited December 2005
    3stripe++ Especially since the logon page takes a parameter of the url it is supposed to return to. Actually, I think you should be able to log on right above the message entry box.
  • In OSX I have to login every time I close and re-open the browser (Safari or Firefox). Ugh.
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