Oh Dammit

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So I was upgrading my forum to and entirely by Marks instructions and my forum magically changed.

I realize I probably did something real stupid on my end but can any please help me get it back to its old state? What can I do?

Shit shit I hope I didn't seriously lose this thing.


  • You didn't lose anything, your include directory has just messed up. check settings in your appg/settings.php file? if possible remove references to a "/forum/" include directory
  • My forum is in a directory called "forum" rather than the default "vanilla" directory. So in settings.php, should "agAPPLICATION_PATH" not be "/forum/"? Is this what you mean?
  • Ah my life is saved. All is normal. My pal matt helped me out here. Thanks Tom for the help. Phwew.
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