My Garden/Vanilla notices.

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Recently I've built a website with use of Garden framework -
It was a beta release yet when i was developing it. I don't have any concrete pathes but i thought it may be useful if I post some of my notices I wrote down during development.
(Now when Vanilla 2.0 is stable some issues might be outdated)

1. Unconsistent documentation. There was lack of detailed information for developers. I had to search for information on, on Mark O'Sullivan's blog and via Google and often I just had to dig through the garden's code to find information I was looking for.

2. CSS files are huuge. I think a way too big, it makes creation of themes difficult.

3. !important occurences in CSS files. How am I supposed to overwrite this in my custom files? There shouldn't be !important flags.

4. Javascript. I wrote down a word "javascript" in my notebook but can't remember what it was about :). Documentation? Possibility to add custom .js files?

5. two services on one server - cookie colision (?). I had two separate vanillas installed on my server. Logging into one of them caused logging out on second. (didn't investigate it)

6. Images conflict. Can't remember that one too.

7. Can't remove links from menu. That was a pain. I had to customize heavily the default look and default functionality of vanilla and it was not as easy as it should be.

8. Translating - link sections. ...

9. Parts not in Gdn::Translate. Sometimes i had to modify core files because some messages were not wrapped with Gdn::Translate

10. Theming - views conflict? ...

11. blank #Content after deleting last item

12. installation. I've always had a Bonk after installation. Some debug information there (by default) would be useful.

13. is config.php safe? This file is written by the script so is it safe?

14. i18n adding locales ..

15. Username can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Why? And why I can't change that?

16. Sign in option for logged in user. Is that purposely?

I hope this would be usefull and constructive for you. (I didn't realize that I could forget some things of this list :) but I will do some work on this website so maybe I'll recall that issues.)

Thanks for this great piece of software!
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