Yahoo Publisher Network Ad Serving Extension

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi. I created an extension to serve up Yahoo Publisher Network ads based on the existing code for the Google AdSense extension. I haven't decided which is better, YPN or AdSense, but word is they are pretty close. Here is the link to the extension:


  • Cool. Have you added it to the wiki?
  • No sir, do I need a Wiki account to do that? Also, maybe you could point me to the page that needs to be updated. Sorry, new here :)
  • wiki can be found here and yes you would need an account. No worries though, I've added it for you under extensions :)
  • edited December 2005
    // TOO SLOW ;-) You have to signup for the wiki :-) You can find the extension page here:
  • i thought about making a yahoo version myself (i've switched any of my sites that used google before to yahoo for now), but didn't think there was actually a wide enough audience to use it.
  • you're probably right, not a wide enough audience at this point since they are in Beta and limiting the amount of publishers, however I expect this to change soon as YPN picks up steam. I figure if 5 people get some use out of it, then it was worth it :)
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