Intergration Question

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Anyone know how, or ever done a integration of vanilla 2.0 into a pure HTML based website.

I'm trying to intergrate the forum into my html design so that when they click on the "Forum" image it takes them to the forum but keeps the site header and such so it just opens up inside the site. (if you know what im trying to say)


  • yes, if you are using an installation of vanilla 2, all you would have to do is create a custom theme with your header instead of the standard vanilla one.

    The easy way to do this, instead of copying the defaults over, would be to download the theme, which uses a custom header, and customize this to look like your website.

    The files would go into the /themes folder, where you extract the public_vforg (or rename it to your own, if you like) folder in the .zip file. Inside this folder is a couple files, and two folders: views and design.

    Inside the design folder are the css files you want to edit to style your forum (and some image files you may want to swap).

    Inside the views folder are two files: default.master.php and admin.master.php.

    The files are pretty simple, a little html for the headers, and a little php for the content. Easy enough to edit and make it fit your site.
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