Vanilla 2.0.3 released

Vanilla 2.0.3 has been released and uploaded.
This is primarily a bugfix release that takes care of some issues reported with v2.0.2.
This will show you a more detailed screen of information about the actual problem you've encountered. Please include this information when reporting issues (copy & paste exact errors, please).
Please report all issues on the GitHub Issue Tracker. Remember to do a quick search through the issues to make sure your issue has not already been added or resolved.
See the add on page for additional instructions.
This is primarily a bugfix release that takes care of some issues reported with v2.0.2.
Troubleshooting the Vanilla 2 Installation
If you run into any issues during the installation, you may see the "Bonk" error screen. In order to get past this screen, you can remove the following line from your conf/config.php file:$Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'error.master.php';
This will show you a more detailed screen of information about the actual problem you've encountered. Please include this information when reporting issues (copy & paste exact errors, please).
Upgrading Vanilla 2.0 Forums
- Sign into your existing forum with the user that has UserID = 1
- Back up your database.
- Back up all of your existing files.
- Unarchive the new files and copy them over your existing files. Make sure that your hidden files (ie .htaccess) are copied to your server.
- Make sure the conf/config.php from your old version has been copied over to the new version.
- Navigate to the page in your forum that updates your database (this will not work if you did not sign in as UserID = 1):
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button to run the update scripts.
- Navigate to your forum and test away!
Reporting Issues
DO NOT REPORT ISSUES ON THE COMMUNITY FORUMPlease report all issues on the GitHub Issue Tracker. Remember to do a quick search through the issues to make sure your issue has not already been added or resolved.
See the add on page for additional instructions.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Thanx for info
Smarty error: the $compile_dir '/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/cache/Smarty/compile' does not exist, or is not a directory.
The error occurred on or near: /homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/Smarty.class.php
1109: * @param integer $error_type
1110: */
1111: function trigger_error($error_msg, $error_type = E_USER_WARNING)
1112: {
1113: trigger_error("Smarty error: $error_msg", $error_type);
1114: }
1117: /**
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/Smarty.class.php:1113] PHP::trigger_error();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/internals/core.write_compiled_resource.php:20] Smarty->trigger_error();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/Smarty.class.php:1451] PHP::smarty_core_write_compiled_resource();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/Smarty.class.php:1274] Smarty->_compile_resource();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/Smarty.class.php:1126] Smarty->fetch();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/core/class.smarty.php:82] Smarty->display();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/core/class.controller.php:1220] Gdn_Smarty->Render();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/core/class.controller.php:965] Gdn_Controller->RenderMaster();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/core/class.pluggable.php:188] Gdn_Controller->xRender();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussionscontroller.php:84] Gdn_Pluggable->__call();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussionscontroller.php:84] DiscussionsController->Render();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:270] DiscussionsController->Index();
[/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/index.php:38] Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();
Variables in local scope:
[error_msg] 'the $compile_dir \'/homepages/36/d112833829/htdocs/club/eburg-forum/cache/Smarty/compile\' does not exist, or is not a directory.'
[error_type] 256
@phreak there shouldn't be any serious db changes, but one or two may have been necessary. either way, running utility/structure is safe even when there is nothing to be done.
@kaos Vanilla will continue to be built using PDO for database access, and if we decide to change that it wont be in a minor point release.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
Any plans in the future to allow us to track applications or plugins for new updates?
It would be great if I could star Vanilla.
You can already have a custom domain on
@brant That's a good idea, but we have no plans for it right now.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
2.0.3 seems to still be very buggy.
EDIT : ok in my local environnement the path was : index.php?p=/utility/structure
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]