Sneek Preview!

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So here it is. The moment you've all been waiting for... No it's not the release of 0.93. Infact none of you have been waiting for it and only a couple actually know it even exists. So anyway.
Here it is. It's 99.5% finished. Couple of touches to go on before i launch it properly (planned to do it about 3 months ago but you know how things go!). Site critique more than welcome... but dont be too harsh!

And ofcourse, any custom is particularly welcome :)


  • You and your silly british money.
  • The site looks nice.

    The only thing I would add is links where you mention certain products such as Vexim Email Control Panel and RoundCube Webmail for example. Or maybe links to screenshots so people can see what it is.

    Apart from that. Looks good. Prices seem good too :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I'd change your logo so that the 0 in int0rw3b doesn't look like an o. Maybe put the slash through it. You want people to be able to remember your name correctly.
  • Yeah. That's been a bugbear for me. I see where you're coming from but with the o we were aiming (heh) to make it appear like a crosshair with the heavy slant towards gaming. It is a tough one though.
  • "unlimited free email accounts" oh man are you guys just asking for trouble :)
  • looks nice tho :) good luck with that. If you need a test pilot and name whore, let me know :D
  • lech - that's unlimited with a maximum quota, though. The actual number people have makes very little difference to us. Anything to convince a suckah. Name whore? If you'd like to brandish us around a bit i'd be more than grateful..
  • Do you support ruby?
  • As far as i could tell it compiled in correctly. However i havent tested it. But we most certainly could.
  • josjos
    edited December 2005
    The design is nice, clear and simple. Good font choice. There's only one validation error (a forgotten alt attribule for the img tag) so you can fix that easily.Second: the images styling can be done in your stylesheet too. There's no need for mixing up inline styles with an external stylesheet. SEO: there are two links pointing to the same page: and . Google might see this as duplicate content so I suggest you change the services links (2x) to be the same as the standard . From information point of view, as a customer I would like to see more of the features you have. Eg do you provide php 4 or 5. What are those range of applications that can be installed? etc Some basic info in tabular form. I don't know what others think of it but I'm not going to contact to know what I'll get. That just means "next" to me. Overall I like you're site. With a little bit of tweaking it will be great.
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