ProxyConnect Issues - Can someone help, please?
Hey guys -
I'm struggeling with the SSO feature. All looks set up correctly, but when trying to login it doesn't actually work.
In fact, when being on Vanilla Frontpage, choosing "Login" I am being redirected correctly to my app's login. After successful login returning to the forum, I am still not logged in.
The authentication page is generated like this:
When modifing to
the browser gets into an endlos loop of redirections terminating after a while. So still not working.
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? It looks to be configured correctly to me. Any problem being on localhost?
PHP: 5.3.1
MySQL: 5.1.41
Happens in all browsers I guess: Chrome, IE, Firefox.
I'm struggeling with the SSO feature. All looks set up correctly, but when trying to login it doesn't actually work.
In fact, when being on Vanilla Frontpage, choosing "Login" I am being redirected correctly to my app's login. After successful login returning to the forum, I am still not logged in.
The authentication page is generated like this:
<? if ($this->user) { ?>
UniqueID=<?= $this->user->userId; ?>
Name=<?= $this->user->username; ?>
Email=<?= $this->user->email; ?>
<? } ?>
When modifing to
<? if ($this->user) { ?>
UniqueID=<?= $this->user->userId . PHP_EOL; ?>
Name=<?= $this->user->username . PHP_EOL; ?>
Email=<?= $this->user->email . PHP_EOL;>
<? } ?>
the browser gets into an endlos loop of redirections terminating after a while. So still not working.
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? It looks to be configured correctly to me. Any problem being on localhost?
PHP: 5.3.1
MySQL: 5.1.41
Happens in all browsers I guess: Chrome, IE, Firefox.
Vanilla's Cookie Domain - Find this on the ProxyConnect settings page under Users -> Authentication
Your app's cookie domain - No idea where you'll find this
Try using a simple "\n" to terminate your lines.
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]
thanks for reaching out. Here is some more information on the configuration:
// Garden
$Configuration['Garden']['Title'] = 'Liviato - Forum';
$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Salt'] = 'E40CFY6GO3';
$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Domain'] = 'liviato';
$Configuration['Garden']['Version'] = '2.0.3';
$Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Garden']['CanProcessImages'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Garden']['Installed'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'error.master.php';
$Configuration['Garden']['RequiredUpdates'] = 's:6:"a:0:{}";';
$Configuration['Garden']['UpdateCheckDate'] = 1281636712;
$Configuration['Garden']['Authenticator']['EnabledSchemes'] = 'a:2:{i:0;s:8:"password";i:1;s:5:"proxy";}';
$Configuration['Garden']['Authenticator']['AuthenticateURL'] = 'http://liviato/auth/userinfo';
$Configuration['Garden']['Authenticator']['DefaultScheme'] = 'proxy';
$Configuration['Garden']['SignIn']['Popup'] = FALSE;
$Configuration['Garden']['Authenticators']['proxy']['Name'] = 'ProxyConnect';
$Configuration['Garden']['Authenticators']['proxy']['CookieName'] = 'VanillaProxy';
Host: liviato
Path: /
Host is called "liviato" and is localhost in fact.
With doing "Try using a simple "\n" to terminate your lines." it now gets back into that endless loop on Location: http://liviato/forum/entry/handshake/proxy
Can you help?
UniqueID=2 Name=writer
to the browser.