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Discussion Preview Event

cdavidcdavid New
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Dear all,

I would be interested in creating an event for previewing a newly created discussion (wasn't able to find it). The relevant lines of code would be around line 117 in the file (using Vanilla 2.0.1):

applications/vanilla/controllers/class.postcontroller.php 119,120d118 $this->Comment->DateInserted = Gdn_Format::Date(); $this->Comment->Body = ArrayValue('Body', $FormValues, ''); - $this->FireEvent("BeforeDiscussionPreview"); - if ($this->_DeliveryType == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { $this->AddAsset('Content', $this->FetchView('preview')); } else {

If this event already exists, can you please point me to it (when the user clicks Preview in a newly created / editing discussion)?

Thanks a bunch,

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