Magic Plugin - Not Working For First Post In Discussion???
This plugin appears to only work for comments added to already existing discussions and not for the content of the actual initial discussion. Has anyone else noticed this?
Let us know the word on this.
$Sender->EventArguments['Discussion']->Body = $this->MakeView($Sender->EventArguments['Discussion']->Body);
$Sender->EventArguments['Comment']->Body = $this->MakeView($Sender->EventArguments['Comment']->Body);
On line: 90
Please help.
Thank you.
I had the opposite situation on my forum, (take this example: )
the videos in the first post where showin fine and in the other posts they where showed smaller and with this string beside: type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
width="425" height="344">
I've followed the instrucion above and now all videos in all posts are giving me this message...
If anyone else has the problem above, with extra markup making it through and onto the page, then make sure that the youtube link is JUST plain text in the editor, don't make a it link, just the URL of the YouTube page. Works fine with the amendment to line 90.