Someone please help: how do I add the ''my profile'' sidebar?

NimaveliNimaveli New
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
The title says it all, the ''notifications'' and ''inbox'' links are very handy to quickly see if anyone needs your help or mentioned you. Is it also possible for a popup to appear once you get a new private message?



  • Anyone? D:
  • NimaveliNimaveli New
    edited August 2010
    My friends, please help me out :P
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Do you mean you want a notification to pop up in any page as soon as you get a message?

    We typically just rely on people noticing the numbers next to the "inbox" and profile links. Were you thinking something more ajaxy?
  • @Mark
    Well, a popup once someone receives a PM(or ''conversation'' as it's called here :D) would be nice. But yea, those number next to the inbox and profile links are pretty handy to. But I don't have the ''my profile'' sidebar on my forum. Any way I can enable it?
  • Numbers next to the "inbox" is far away better, IMHO.
  • @candyman
    Right, but how do I get that to show? I figured the ''my profile'' sidebar was standard but it isn't? :O
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    edited August 2010
    ohh, he's talking about the "my profile" box used on this site (right underneath ask a question)

    default install of vanilla 2 doesn't have much in the sidebar other than categories
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I had to add the "My Profile" thing in the sidebar on this site because I removed those items from the main menu in this theme. The standard install of Vanilla has those numbers right up there in the main menu.
  • @Mark
    Ahh I see, so I have to add it manually to my own theme to? Cause I don't have it either. How do I make it to appear though?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @Nimaveli - Do you have a custom theme? What is the url to your forum?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You do have the menu there, it is just up above your logo to the right.
  • NimaveliNimaveli New
    edited August 2010
    Ohh yea, can't believe I missed that lol. Sorry. But, once I get a new PM I don't see the number next to it. Recently I just randomly checked my inbox and it was full of messages :O
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