Someone please help: how do I add the ''my profile'' sidebar?

The title says it all, the ''notifications'' and ''inbox'' links are very handy to quickly see if anyone needs your help or mentioned you. Is it also possible for a popup to appear once you get a new private message?
We typically just rely on people noticing the numbers next to the "inbox" and profile links. Were you thinking something more ajaxy?
Well, a popup once someone receives a PM(or ''conversation'' as it's called here
Right, but how do I get that to show? I figured the ''my profile'' sidebar was standard but it isn't? :O
default install of vanilla 2 doesn't have much in the sidebar other than categories
Ahh I see, so I have to add it manually to my own theme to? Cause I don't have it either. How do I make it to appear though?
Yes, an edited version of ''Joie''
Ohh yea, can't believe I missed that lol. Sorry. But, once I get a new PM I don't see the number next to it. Recently I just randomly checked my inbox and it was full of messages :O