
NimaveliNimaveli New
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is it possible to add a shoutbox to Vanilla? And I'm not talking about those free shoutmix ones, but shoutboxes that are connected to your user database so that only members can use it.

Is this possible? And if so, anyone got a good Shoutbox? :)



  • Could anyone help me with this? Thanks :)
  • Well, it would have to be a plugin, and yes, it is completely possible. There is not much that isn't with Vanilla 2 ;)

    This is definitely something I had thought of, though I am not familiar with Ajax... (which is what you would need for the instant update)

    Really, there is no real need for a shoutbox, to be honest. You can set your discussions to refresh as quickly as every 5 seconds. It's essentially a large shoutbox. ^^
  • ^Right but creating a ''shoutbox'' discussion looks ridiculously stupid :P Perhaps it's not needed by many people but many do like it, and it's just something that will persuade more people into getting into Vanilla imo :)

  • I would use shoutmix... it can be connected to your Vanilla user database if you know what your doing (i did it on my vbulletin forum so only registered members can use it, and their username shows up automatically)
  • ^''If you know what you're doing'' Haha, I don't xD Shoutmix doesn't look right though. I'd like the shoutbox to look like this:

    And only show the ''text'' bar, the ''submit'' button, the names and the dates.
  • Oh ok, you mean you like the bloated chat application better because it has smilies and formatting. Doesn't belong anywhere near Vanilla in my opinion, but this might be a good option for you
  • @Raize
    Thanks for your reply! That Shoutbox is a little bit to busy though. I'd really like it to be as minimalistic as possible. You'd think that those shoutboxes are more common but most shoutboxes I came across are all ugly as hell lol :P
  • shoutmix is the most minimal shoutbox you will find, yet you don't seem to like it... good luck!
  • @Raize
    Shoutmix is not free. But, I'm willing to pay for it if it connects to my user database and recognizes my users. But I don't think it does that. I remember trying it out a year back or so.
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