
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I am trying to decide if I want to use Vanilla forums or not. I like it a lot but I absolutely need for the user to be able to upload images and documents. Am I missing this or is it not possible?

I have Vanilla 2 installed on my server. I am not using their hosting packages.



  • edited August 2010
    Depending on what version your using (I think it seems that version 2.0.2 works the best), you can employ this this piece of JavaScript for attachments (from the user passatgt). Just put it at the end of your global.js file, or see this thread for more information.
  • Just copy and past that before the )}; right? do I have to logout or do it before I install or anything? Cause nothing changed when I tried refreshing it.
  • I have 2.0.3 btw.
  • ^ If you paste the code before the )};, it won't work correctly. Try pasting it earlier, in-between two other segments of code (be forewarned, though, that you'll have some nasty formatting errors as a result).
  • just a general hint: try cleaning the browser cache. global.js file might be cached
  • hmmm... Is there a best place to put this? I tried in between 2 lines of code that seemed to be separate, also tried in between functions.
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