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[Blog Application Addon] Blog posts based on user role instead of category

This is a great application, and I'm really glad that someone started it.
I don't know exactly how much customization this request would require, but could posting be switched from category based posts to role based posts?
The reason I'm asking is that as the administrator/founder of my forum, I'm the only one who (at this point) will be creating proper, full length posts - but they need to be categorized into their appropriate topics/sections. If I stick all my posts into category 1, then it creates unorganized discussions, which isn't good at all.
Any suggestions? I'd be willing to compensate for time if anyone is willing to help customize this app (for everyones use).
"BlogThis" is a plugin for Vanilla 1 that provides similar functionality to your app. Instead of posting everything from one category to the blog page, the administrator has the choice of "promoting" any new discussion to be a blog post. This selectivity is role based, and is a good clean solution I think...any thoughts?
I don't know exactly how much customization this request would require, but could posting be switched from category based posts to role based posts?
The reason I'm asking is that as the administrator/founder of my forum, I'm the only one who (at this point) will be creating proper, full length posts - but they need to be categorized into their appropriate topics/sections. If I stick all my posts into category 1, then it creates unorganized discussions, which isn't good at all.
Any suggestions? I'd be willing to compensate for time if anyone is willing to help customize this app (for everyones use).
"BlogThis" is a plugin for Vanilla 1 that provides similar functionality to your app. Instead of posting everything from one category to the blog page, the administrator has the choice of "promoting" any new discussion to be a blog post. This selectivity is role based, and is a good clean solution I think...any thoughts?
Though I must admit that share the same sentiments as @Raize.
While your plugin is a great idea, and some people would rather have a cleanly integrated and simple blog for their vanilla site, there should also be a standalone and separate-featured blog to compete with wordpress's.
I took a look over the application, and what it would take to change it over to it's own database. You are correct, this would take a decent bit of coding, and you may have to re-create features already provided in vanilla.
I would like to help out with this, though, @chi1. Perhaps a dashboard page to choose to use the first category or not? this would be A LOT more code than it sounds. ^^
Do you use github? It would be perfect to share code without spamming ^^
this is very well done maybe it'll help:
You are completely free to take my package and put it on github to continue development. I might help a little, but I don't plan to spend any big amounts of time maintaining it. That could be your job, if you wish
I will go ahead and upload it sometime in the near future
When I enable this application and go to the blog page it is empty except for a link that says "More posts". The only content on my testing V2 forum is an imported V1 forum. Will this work for imported discussions? Thank you.
Thanks again!
Have you tried this:
unfortunately, this file has no extension. You can simply rename this file to the following:
then try to unzip (untar) this file and you will see the actual structure that was meant to be in the .zip file.
The error here was that a file, which was actually a .tar.gz file, was renamed to a .zip file, which is really confusing.
There was an error rendering this rich post.
{$Assets} {$BodyClass} {$BodyID} {$Path} {$SCRIPT_NAME} {$TransientKey} {$User}
The $Assets array is empty and there is no discussion data available.
It should also be noted that anything beyond showing an initial list of "n" entries on the "/blog" page simply leads back the standard forum view. This is strictly a way of applying a template to a short list of discussions in a specific category.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} /index.html RewriteRule ^(.*)$ forum/index.php\?p=/categories/blog [QSA,L]
I should note that I am using Smarty templates. If you are handling this via the stock PHP variation, you could take care of this via discussions.php and the corresponding helper_functions.php file.
Right now I have category 1 as a "Display root categories as headings." but even when I don't it doesn't work. I've tried everything, moving it to it's own section, not having anything under it, having things under it, etc. Nothing shows up under "blog".
Any ideas?