My half day Vanilla 2 theme/skin...

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Task: it's 11:49AM, will I be able to upload a new theme/skin for Vanilla 2 until 18:00 (6PM)?
Never saw the current structure. Did some skins for Vanilla 1, but this will be the first for Vanilla 2...
I'll keep you posted. ;)


  • Installed and running in localhost using XAMPP.
  • It could be usefull to have some sample data with all possible stuff for testing...
  • First problem.
    Reading README.txt on how to create your own theme:
    3. Create a "design" subfolder and copy /applications/dashboard/design/style.css and /applications/vanilla/design/vanilla.css into it.
    There's no "design" folder inside applications/vanilla. Searched for all css files in vanilla root folder and no sight of vanilla.css or anything similar...
  • Well, with a little help from Firebug and Notepad++ "Find in Files" function, it appears that no vanilla.css is necessary as all css code is in style.css... is it?
  • Jep, works with style.css at all!
    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • fmimosofmimoso
    edited January 2011
    Something unexpected came, couldn't finish that day.

    My yesterday's half day theme:

    I used BrandFriendly theme and
  • star_stripe.png isn't truly transparent, in my background the white star has white borders. Maybe bundling a true PNG24 version would solve it?

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