Spam Control

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Can anyone explain how it works?


  • Jiangshuang08070609 explained how it doesn't works! ;)
  • phreakphreak MVP
    edited August 2010
    Those who left a link to their forum in the vanillaforums should consider hiding or unlinking it, by writing something like this: "fff myforum and this is my suffix"

    Just to hide your forum from a spam attack like this if the bot starts grabbing and following URLs as well.
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  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Yeah, sorry about this guys. We are going to have to get a more comprehensive spam control solution in place. We are getting on the radar or spammers more and more. I guess we've arrived. sigh.

    To answer radist. The spam control just prevents people from posting comments too fast which is an indicator of a spam bot. Of course, spammers can just make their bots more patient and get through things.
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