Those who left a link to their forum in the vanillaforums should consider hiding or unlinking it, by writing something like this: "fff myforum and this is my suffix"
Just to hide your forum from a spam attack like this if the bot starts grabbing and following URLs as well.
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Yeah, sorry about this guys. We are going to have to get a more comprehensive spam control solution in place. We are getting on the radar or spammers more and more. I guess we've arrived. sigh.
To answer radist. The spam control just prevents people from posting comments too fast which is an indicator of a spam bot. Of course, spammers can just make their bots more patient and get through things.
Just to hide your forum from a spam attack like this if the bot starts grabbing and following URLs as well.
To answer radist. The spam control just prevents people from posting comments too fast which is an indicator of a spam bot. Of course, spammers can just make their bots more patient and get through things.