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How do I edit the side panel?

RaizeRaize vancouver ✭✭
edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I want to add things like advertisments, graphics, and other stuff into the side panel. The default master for my theme probably isn't the best place to edit

<div id="Panel"><?php $this->RenderAsset('Panel'); ?></div>


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    may this is a first step:

    Don't know the code, but may you can change it to get in the content you want to
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    no, you are right about that. the side panel is built directly into every page with that line of code.

    As far as adding content to the sidebar, it would be best to read the documentation on magic events, and reference any of the plugins that add to the side panel for a guide. The one mentioned previously would probably be the most simple to start with.

    Vanilla's structure is only complicated until the big picture sinks in, do not be intimidated by the complicated appearance.
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    RaizeRaize vancouver ✭✭
    edited August 2010
    it does seem very complicated compared to other programs like wordpress or joomla... if only it was as simple as editing the index.php file lol

    thanks for the tip though, i am planning on doing some reading soon
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    edited October 2010
    I'm looking to do the same thing. I just want to add another "box" to my side panel for a list of links or maybe an ad banner. Basically whatever HTML content I want.

    I tried looking at that adsense plugin, but I'm not sure what I should or should not change about it. Can someone maybe modify it to get it to output just a simple DIV or image in the side panel in it's own box?
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