Wikify this thread

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
One idea that has been bouncing around my head the past few weeks is giving the capability to wikify the first post of a thread. This came from fustration with "Post your favorate X" type threads (and forum games) where every poster contributes a little to generate a large list. Other possible applications are researching topics such as what revisions of a product are affected by a defect, or tallying which users prefer X over Y. The messages can then be dedicated to discussion and clarification about the topic or issue, thus weeding out the tedious and time consuming "me too" and "count me out" messages.


  • I'm all for it, but I think this would be tough to do in an extension.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I'm not sure I understand exactly what the end result would be. Would you be looking to take a discussion and convert the entire thing to wiki syntax so it could then be copied and pasted into a wiki?
  • Do you basically mean a thread where instead of the post count increasing everyone can add to the original post?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Ohhhhhhh. I bet that's what he meant. Neat idea!
  • LoOkOuTLoOkOuT
    edited December 2005
    That is a good idea. Now how do you do it? Wish I could help :-(
  • I'd like to see it come about :)
  • giginger: You got it! I have seen some threads where the thread starter is supposed to keep updating the first post by repeatedly editing it when new information comes in the later posts--but that is prone to errors and omissions. (Not to mention klunky.) One way to simplify would be to allow anybody to add to the original post, but only the first author or admin can approve/remove. (Still a bit klunky.) Another thought I had was to create an "Wiki" user that automagically posts a message after the user who checked a "Wikify this thread" box. The Wiki user's posts are hacked in such a way to make the forum software allow any logged in user to edit just as if that user was editing their own posts. This one I can see working, but don't yet know enough about extensions to know if this is possible.
  • The authorisation method is definitely the way forward.
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