Vanilla 2 applicant notifications?

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I just upgraded to vanilla 2.0.3, and I've noticed that I'm not getting e-mails anymore when people apply to my forums. Is there any way to receive notifications when there are people awaiting approval to join?



  • I noticed this too, while registering as a test user.
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    Are you hosting vanilla yourself? If so, you'll need to configure your email settings in the Dashboard, right at the bottom of the menu, under Settings > Outgoing Email.

    Make sure these fields contain correct information.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • MikhaelMikhael New
    edited August 2010
    Hi @Tim. I just created a new user via the front page, having checked that the Admin Dashboard settings were correct and as you suggested. I have registration set to 'Basic', but am not getting an Admin notification, and the test user is let in at once. I guess I've left something unset in the roles/permissions..? (Head full of stuff and probably missing the sticks for the trees right now!)

    Edit: I just realised that the 'Basic' registration setting lets a new applicant into the site as a Member, but shouldn't there be email validation first? I think my brain's shut down. :(
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff

    You're right, Basic Registration lets the user in immediately. We've avoided email verification until now, but that will be changing in the near future.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • MikhaelMikhael New
    edited August 2010
    @Tim; "avoided email verification"? Crikey. Mind you, having email validation with only one entry field falls down if they get it wrong, as the email doesn't arrive and they re-register, leaving you with dead applications to clean up.

    Email validation obviously isn't an effective part of an anti-spam strategy, but is really just to be sure the user entered their email address correctly. (I prefer double entry for that though, as even if you're tempted to cut and paste it usually makes you double check the address). I'm using the 'Approval' and reCaptcha method, though on something like a iPhone the reCaptcha field tends to be unreadable. A bit off-thread here, but I'll be interested to see how it all fits together as time goes on. As far as spam removal goes, as it's impossible to stop slave-labour humans registering for spammers, I'm going to rely upon members flagging posts.

    PS. Where did you get the cool Dashboard? The default is making me a bit nauseous now..!
  • I did check the outgoing mail settings, and it appears to be valid. I've tested the system, and applicants receive e-mails from the system when they're approved, but I'm still not receiving notifications to let me know that there are applicants waiting.
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