Fatal Error in CategoriesModule.FetchView

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Guys im getting this error, its a fairly new installation, used it for about a week, from the error I can make out its looking for the Categories.php, the file does exist Im able to see it, here is the reset of the error msg.

Could not find a `categories` view for the `CategoriesModule` module in the `` application.
The error occurred on or near: /var/www/html/vanilla/library/core/class.module.php
147: $ViewPaths[] = CombinePaths(array(PATH_APPLICATIONS, 'dashboard', 'views', 'modules', $View . '.php'));
149: $ViewPath = Gdn_FileSystem::Exists($ViewPaths);
150: if ($ViewPath === FALSE)
151: trigger_error(ErrorMessage('Could not find a `' . $View . '` view for the `' . $this->Name() . '` module in the `' . $ApplicationFolder . '` application.', get_class($this), 'FetchView'), E_USER_ERROR);
153: return $ViewPath;
154: }
[/var/www/html/vanilla/library/core/class.module.php:151] PHP::trigger_error();
[/var/www/html/vanilla/library/core/class.module.php:95] Gdn_Module->FetchViewLocation();
[/var/www/html/vanilla/library/core/class.module.php:179] Gdn_Module->FetchView();
[/var/www/html/vanilla/applications/vanilla/modules/class.categoriesmodule.php:36] Gdn_Module->ToString();
[/var/www/html/vanilla/library/core/class.controller.php:425] CategoriesModule->ToString();
[/var/www/html/vanilla/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussionscontroller.php:41] Gdn_Controller->AddModule();
[/var/www/html/vanilla/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:270] DiscussionsController->Index();
[/var/www/html/vanilla/index.php:38] Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();
Variables in local scope:
[this] array (
'AssetName' => '',
'EventArguments' =>
array (
'Returns' =>
array (
'HandlerType' => 'NORMAL',
[View] 'categories'
[ApplicationFolder] ''
[ThemeFolder] 'default'
[ViewPaths] array (
0 => '/var/www/html/vanilla/themes/default/views/modules/categories.php',
1 => '/var/www/html/vanilla/themes/default/views/modules/categories.php',
2 => '/var/www/html/vanilla/applications/views/modules/categories.php',
3 => '/var/www/html/vanilla/applications/dashboard/views/modules/categories.php',
[ViewPath] false

Additional information for support personnel:
Application: Vanilla
Application Version: 2.0.3
PHP Version: 5.2.10
Operating System: Linux
Server Software: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.51 Safari/534.3
Request Uri: /
Controller: CategoriesModule
Method: FetchView


  • the actual location of the categories.php was different in my system.

    it was located at /var/www/html/vanilla/applications/vanilla/views/modules/categories.php

    I modified in the class.module.php and everything came back.

    I dont have a login to see if all the discussions are still there but at least I dont get the error msg.
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