Add users/members in bulk?

edited August 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is there an addon or a method to "import" or add members to my forum in bulk? Say I have a list of usernames, emails, passwords, etc in a text file or CSV, how can I add them to my membership in one swoop? Details are appreciated! I still have not switched to Vanilla 2 (yet) so answers for either version will work.


  • @Len; A simple SQL user import (insert statements) should work fine.
  • I missed that day at SQL school ;-p can anyone give an example of what that statement would look like?
  • @Len; Here's a clue. Use the Export feature in your server's phpMyAdmin and do a backup of the User table. That'll create a text file containing the Insert statements you need. Copy one of these and create a line for each new user, then run it in phpMyAdmin. (Obviously, do a full database backup before playing with it).

    You'll have to manually change each user's password in the Admin Dashboard, but that's easy enough.
  • Thanks Mikhael!
    Don't know why I didn't think of that...I'll blame it on a faulty "blow-out preventor" (Hey if BP can do that, so can I!) But I was able to do what I wanted...with some trial and error of course :)
    Thanks again!! Saved me a bunch of time.
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