interested in vanilla, would like to discuss options and maintenance
Im working on a simple fantasy card game in flash, and I want to add a forum for my community. Im hosting on godaddy, who offers a 1-click install of vanilla 1.1.10.
I want to focus on my project, not my forum. Im looking for security, simplicity and pretty much a plug and play setup. I don't want to worry about upgrades or configuring things a lot, I just want a basic forum while I work on my game. Id like to get the in-game account names to be the forum names, but that's not absolutely needed.
I'd like to know if Vanilla 1 is still viable ?
What is maintaining it like ?
How secure versus spammers hackers and malfeasant users is it ?
Can I IP ban easily ?
How easy is it to setup basic color schemes and a background image and header ?
Can I turn off the sidebar ? Its cool, but Id like to try to get it to be slightly more conventional for forum users if possible.
How hard is it to get add-ons working ? Just upload files to a directory ?
How hard is it to get game usernames to be forum usernames, with a site-wide login ?
My basic site goal is to have a main front page that holds the flash game client, with a few notes and links just below it, and a forum on Yeah, thats pretty much it, I might try to add a shoutbox from the forum just below the game client if that's not too hard. simplicity is very important for me, if its all too complex, Ill modify a PHP forum script from a web tutorial, but I really like a lot of what I see in Vanilla. I am interested in Vanilla 2, but V1 is super simple for me to install and setup, its just one click on my host.
I have looked over the addons and documentation some, I like what I see. I setup a SMF forum before, and played around with it, I have to say, it was really complicated and hard to configure, I just want to use it, not spend a year adjusting settings. I also wrote a forum before, very basic but it was functional, I can go back to fleshing that out if nothing works. At this point, its a toss up between Vanilla, SMF, and my own very limited script.
Is Vanilla likely to cover my forum needs with a one-click install from my hot and a day or so of configuration and add-on setup ?
I dont have much control on my server at the moment, is getting V2 uploaded much trouble, just unzip on my drive and upload the folder ?
Thanks for the help, I think Vanilla is a good choice, but Id like to talk about it before I load up my very basic host with files, Id really like to keep it simple, somehow.
I want to focus on my project, not my forum. Im looking for security, simplicity and pretty much a plug and play setup. I don't want to worry about upgrades or configuring things a lot, I just want a basic forum while I work on my game. Id like to get the in-game account names to be the forum names, but that's not absolutely needed.
I'd like to know if Vanilla 1 is still viable ?
What is maintaining it like ?
How secure versus spammers hackers and malfeasant users is it ?
Can I IP ban easily ?
How easy is it to setup basic color schemes and a background image and header ?
Can I turn off the sidebar ? Its cool, but Id like to try to get it to be slightly more conventional for forum users if possible.
How hard is it to get add-ons working ? Just upload files to a directory ?
How hard is it to get game usernames to be forum usernames, with a site-wide login ?
My basic site goal is to have a main front page that holds the flash game client, with a few notes and links just below it, and a forum on Yeah, thats pretty much it, I might try to add a shoutbox from the forum just below the game client if that's not too hard. simplicity is very important for me, if its all too complex, Ill modify a PHP forum script from a web tutorial, but I really like a lot of what I see in Vanilla. I am interested in Vanilla 2, but V1 is super simple for me to install and setup, its just one click on my host.
I have looked over the addons and documentation some, I like what I see. I setup a SMF forum before, and played around with it, I have to say, it was really complicated and hard to configure, I just want to use it, not spend a year adjusting settings. I also wrote a forum before, very basic but it was functional, I can go back to fleshing that out if nothing works. At this point, its a toss up between Vanilla, SMF, and my own very limited script.
Is Vanilla likely to cover my forum needs with a one-click install from my hot and a day or so of configuration and add-on setup ?
I dont have much control on my server at the moment, is getting V2 uploaded much trouble, just unzip on my drive and upload the folder ?
Thanks for the help, I think Vanilla is a good choice, but Id like to talk about it before I load up my very basic host with files, Id really like to keep it simple, somehow.
moreso, is it much different, the ease of setup from godaddy sounds nice, will I be missing much ? is v1 more stable or secure since its older ?
vanilla is easy to set up and use (similar to wordpress) but it doesn't have as many management options as other established software like vbulletin
part of what turns me off from say phpBB or SMF, is the sheer number of options and tasks that need set or updated all the time. I just want to give my users a place to talk, not spend all my time checking for updates and altering every little thing.
I don't run forums with many users yet, but have worked hard on many systems to try and get what I want. More than just a forum, I want enhanced user interaction for those who require it, and also the ability to let users flag spam and abuse, which Vanilla provides.
Sounds to me like you should just install Vanilla 2 and play around for a while to see how it feels. A test drive is better than any amount of conversation.
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