ProxyConnect 1.7 Released

TimTim Vanilla Staff
edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
ProxyConnect v1.7 has been released to coincide with the release of Vanilla 2.0.4, with which it is compatible. This version contains numerous bugfixes and is more robust than 1.6, which it replaces.


Version 1.6 added a configuration parameter for the SyncScreen:$Configuration['Garden']['Authenticator']['SyncScreen']
With version 1.7, this parameter is more powerful and has been rewritten. The options are now "on" and "off" where they used to be TRUE and FALSE, and there is a 3rd option called "smart", which attempts to create a sensible and intuitive default setting for most users.

Smart mode causes the SyncScreen to remain hidden during initial remote::local synchronizations in cases where the local user can be automatically created by ProxyConnect without any conflicts. When there a conflict is encountered, the SyncScreen is rendered for the user.

As always, please report any problems you encounter by creating a new question within this addon.

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