label too long

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
First of all, thank you for your contribution.
I have a small suggestion.

Replace this:
$Definition['Start a New Discussion'] = 'Commencer une nouvelle discussion';
by this:
$Definition['Start a New Discussion'] = 'Commencer une discussion';

Because the label is too long with the default theme and the up right button look is broken.


  • @kerphi; Ah, this brings back memories. I wrote a Windows application a couple of years ago, and received hundreds of requests for translation files. So I provided language files and people send me their translations. The problem was that some langauges tuen a few words into huge strings, which breaks the formatting. I had endless hours of non-fun with all that! The only solution is to shorten some translated strings (if possible), or modify the layout via css.
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