Add e-mail notifications for ALL messages?

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
This might be an unusual question, but is there a way to add e-mail notifications for EVERY message to the admin of a Vanilla 2 forum?

I have a very small forum for my apartment building and I would like to know every time any user posts a new discussion or a comment on my forum so I can keep track of usage and respond quickly.

Would it be difficult to write a plugin that enables the admin/admins of a Vanilla forum to get e-mail notifications for EVERY post?


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    It would be quite easy, and there are a number of programmers active in this community now who have the skills to tackle a project like this.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Well, I hope one of them would be willing to help out. Seems like this would be a good plugin, I noticed a couple of other users asking for similar features.
  • Excellent request, I hope this comes out soon as we have just upgraded from v1 to v2. We offered this option on v1 and user aftivity has declined from those who were constantly notified every time something was written on the site.
  • I have written a small plugin that puts a "EMail this discussion" Checkbox when creating a discussion. Still, it only works for discussions, don't know if it is correct and have just released it here: . If you feel up to it, you can give me a hand and make it better.

    For version 0.2, I had in mind to make it some sort of AutoBookmark plugin that puts a preference in the UserProfile->My Preferences and whenever someone starts a new discussion, if you have this AutoBookmark feature on, it automatically subscribes you to it. Also, you should be able to disable this AutoBookmark feature at any time from your profile.

    Let me know what you think of it.

  • Cdavid, this is great! I will give it a spin soon.

    Could I request another option for the next version? Since I am the admin of my forums, I would like to be notified any time another user posts a new discussion OR comments on any post. It would be great if your plugin could have the option to email ALL posts to admins.
  • What the plugin does right now, if the checkbox is set, is to send an e-mail to all users, including admin. In the future version, I want to make it configurable (admin is just another user that has superior permissions) for each user to choose whether to receive these notifications or not.

    @Tim thanks for this: :). It is exactly what i need to hook into the preferences view.

    I'll get cracking tomorrow morning.

  • That sounds good, but I think you could hit another nail on its head here. :)

    I've got a forum set up for a very small amount of users (about 10-15 of them, in my apartment buidling). I've got two or three admin users who are board members, and we don't want to miss any questions or other posts done by members in this forum.

    Since it's a very small forum, the activity is very low. Therefore I don't check in on the forum every day in my daily surfing routine.

    Now, say a user posts a question in the forums and I don't see it for a week or two. This is what I would like to avoid by having a plugin enabling admin users to recieve EVERY post/comment by e-mail.

    It should be rather simple for you to implement, right?
  • I'll see what I can do. I am rather busy right now, so if anyone else wants to do this, I will step aside. Otherwise, it should wait until the weekend.
  • Great!

    I know it's rough with keeping up with stuff. Just wanted to let you know it will be greatly appreciated if you get around to it!
  • i'm also interested in such a plugin.
  • I started working on such plugin... have somthing to do right now, but it wil be done in 2-3 days after i run some arons
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