Issue With Spaces in Names?

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I believe there might be an issue with quoting and linking to usernames if the username has a space. In the example below the only difference in the formatted HTML is that one user has a space, and the other doesnt, making the two quotations end up getting styled very differently.


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    New version uploaded. Fixes this.


    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • There's also an issue with certain characters it seems.

    The username "(. )( .)" sans quotes also makes the yellowish quote box.
  • @Gillingham: Did you just draw ascii breasts? o.O
  • I sure did, I can't account for my users choice in names
  • The username "(. )( .)" sans quotes also makes the yellowish quote box.
    Usernames on a default Vanilla install only allow letters, numbers, and underscores. Loads of things break, like sending Conservations and @ replies, when you create an account with other characters.
  • If that's true than its a new change in 2.0, as the account was created normally in 1.x. If that change did happen than there should probably be some sort of notification in the importer.
  • I concur. Vanilla 1 allowed all sorts of craziness in the usernames. I have users with spaces, dashes, periods, parentheses. So far the only weird thing is that the @ notation doesn't work when it runs into these characters. Not a huge deal really, though.
  • Yea, my members can't use for example this character in their name ''-'' how can I change this?
  • Yea, my members can't use for example this character in their name ''-'' how can I change this?
    You would have to change how @ replies and Conversations handle usernames, as well as anything else that may be broken when using non-standard characters.

    If you don't use either of those features, admins can create accounts with hyphens, which is probably a bug.
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