sign on from home page

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi. I'm a designer...which makes things a little tricky as my knowledge of programming is, at best, fledgling! However, I am pretty good a figuring stuff out and usually get there in the end...

I want to have forum users sign on from the home page of my site and I'm trying to get a handle on how vanilla sign scripts are structured. I want to send the user's sign on info (username p/word) directly to the scripts that process the sign on - ultimately I'll want to the same for membership application.

But man!, how impenetrable is the php in index.php, bootstrap.php etc...?! Everything seems to handled, processed and rendered by scripts the location of which isn't mentioned! HEEEEEELLLLLPPPP!

I don't know if such info is available but something like a map of information flow would be really useful!

ANY comments, suggestions, tips or hints would be most appreciated. I don't want, or expect, anyone to do the work for me, but just to know where to look so I can start figuring it all out.

Many thanks in advance,

Scott (
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