Configure Roles/Discussions

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is it possible (in Vanilla 1 or 2; haven't made the switch yet) to set up roles that can view-only some discussions and participate in others? I'm helping a teacher set up a forum for her students; but she would like parents to have access as well, but only allow them to VIEW the student discussions. As an added bonus she'd like the parents to participate in some parent-only discussions. I know how to set up student-only and parent only categories, but how do I set up parents with read-only?


  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    This is certainly possible in Vanilla 2. You'll need to create different roles for parents and students. When you edit a role, you see all the categories on your forum in a list. Each category allows a comprehensive set of permissions to be set. Decide what you want each role to be allowed to do in each category, and apply your changes.

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Cool, I see that now. But until I make the switch to Vanilla 2, does anyone know a way to do this in Vanilla 1?
  • It's really really easy in Vanilla 2 bro, I'd simply switch over... or setup a test forum using Vanilla 2 to at least try it out. No reason to stay with Vanilla 1 if you don't have to
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff

    all the cool kids are doing it!

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

  • Thanks for the peer pressure guys!
    But I have already set up a test forum, and I certainly see the advantages of V2 over V1, however there are some extensions that I have in my V1 that the teacher heavily relies on such as:
    Community Moderation 1.3 (by Ari Johnson)
    Show Participants 0.5 (by miquel)
    and No Shit! 0.2 (by Michael Rainey)
    of which I cannot find an equivilent of in V2...
    unless you cool people know of something that'll work instead :)
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