Where can we download older versions?
After spending the better part of 2 days trying to get ProxyConnect and 2.0.6 to play nice together I am calling it quits. I noticed on the ProxyConnect wiki page that the recommended version is 2.0.4, where can I download it? Does anyone have a copy lying on their hard-drive that they would be willing to send to me?
ProxyConnect is still not 100% bug free but every release gets closer
Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter, About.me]
I did try version 2.0.4 and I still had the same problem. The link account section simply won't show up and I automatically get signed in with a blank account.
If anyone wants to check it out and offer me some advice, my forum is located at http://forum.hobbykit.co.za and my main site at http://www.hobbykit.co.za