how to include images to posts

edited September 2010 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
how to include images to posts


  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    edited September 2010
    use this code, just replace linktoimage with a link to the image :P

    <img src="http://linktoimage" />
  • - or simply paste the image's URL if you've got the Magic plugin installed.

    - or use the File Upload plugin to add images as attachments.
  • File Upload links them as attachments but does nto show the image.

    The image URL method is not suitable for non technical users.
  • The image URL method is not suitable for non technical users.
    how is having to use HTML syntax easier than pasting a simple URL?
    <img src="http://linktoimage" />vshttp://linktoimage
  • Sorry i was actually implying both html and plain url were not suitable.

    My users are moving over form phpbb and i have a month to fix any bug they might notice before it affects the group for the year.
  • edited September 2010
    @Davidis: Sounds like you need some sort of wysiwyg or markup editor. There are a few floating around in the add-ons that use various wysiwyg javascript editors. I'm also working on an html mark-up add-on that will insert the necessary html for users (but it would still be visible in the edit box).

    What I've got so far is very straight-forward. It just allows users to bold, underline, strikethrough, and then insert URLs and images. It's very subtle, and I think it fits well with the minimalist sensibilities of Vanilla.

    I'm using it on my fansite forums, but you won't be able to see the editor in action without registering.
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