Extension wackiness after fresh install

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Greetings! I've been wanting to try this forum out for a while now. The server that my site resides on has rescently suffered from data loss and they recovered what they could. I figured this was my chance to change over to Vanilla. I installed it locally on my desktop, and it went flawlessly. <3 When I installed it on the web server however, I noticed some funkiness. When I manage the extensions, it just shows the Whispers extension listed over and over. I tried a fresh install in a new folder with a new database and new database user - same exact thing. All of the extensions are in the folder. The databases seem to match. As far as I can tell, everything is fine. I tried deleting the extensions files and re-uploading them. I've tried to enable this extension, and all of them end up enabled. Doesn't really seem to make a difference. I'd try to use that Clean Up extension, but I can't see it in the list to enable it. =[ I can't find anything in the wiki or on the forum. I'm not really sure where to go from here... I'm running, PHP 4.3.9 and on my desktop. Same Vanilla version on the web server, but I just noticed that I'm running PHP 5.0.5 and MySQL4.1.1.3. I swear the web server had PHP 4 before. I'm thinking they installed PHP 5 after the data loss. Could it be a weird bug with PHP5? Has anyone heard of anything like this before?


  • aha! Strange that searching didn't come up with anything. Thanks so much!!! Sorry to be a pest. =)
  • No problemo. 'whisper extension list' search on this board did the job for me - but i had a vague idea of the content of the topic i was looking for as it's cropped up a lot which is always a good starting point. Enjoy yourself.
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